четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

boost nutritional energy drink

The good...

Paid my rent and water bill yesterday. Put the money into Nitaapos;s bank account, as she prefers. In two weeks I will have lived in this house for a year. That is a record. I have not been anywhere longer than 9 months since 2005.

Round one with social security won. Have the money to survive a few weeks before the pantry is bare and panic again sets in.

The bad...

Fight with ss not over. Each day brings a new nightmare.

Electric company major assholes. Never gonna be able to pay the monthly bills now.

It is now one year since I have seen my son. An entire year. And the realization that I might never see him again is not good.

The ugly...

My health continues to fail.

I have to take Pop to winchester for testing monday. We all remember how that went last time.

I am going to right at a Target and a Borders monday/tuesday...and penniless. Shoot me.

female manga characters, boost nutritional energy drink, boost nutritional information, boost nutritional products, boost nutritional shake.

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